Surgeries We Perform

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Tonsils are small glands in the throat, initially vital for fighting germs in young children.

They become less significant as you get older, and removal is considered if causing recurrent sore throats, airway blockage, or in the presence of an abscess or suspected tumor.

Why Surgery?

  • Recurrent sore throats despite antibiotic treatment compromising quality of life.
  • Airway blockage due to large tonsils.
  • Prevention of quinsy (tonsil abscess) recurrence.
  • Suspected tonsil tumor (rare).

Pre-Surgery Considerations:

  • Arrange for two weeks off work.
  • Inform about chest infection or tonsillitis before admission.
  • Disclose any unusual bleeding or bruising problems or family history of such issues.

Operation Procedure:

  • Done under general anesthesia, taking approximately 30 minutes.
  • Tonsils are removed through the mouth, no cuts or sutures are required and bleeding is controlled.
  • Techniques for removal include traditional methods and modern approaches like electric diathermy, Harmonic scalpel and Coblation wands.

Hospital Stay:

  • Typically, surgeons prefer a one-night stay after tonsillectomy.
  • In some cases, it may be done as a day case, depending on hospital protocols and proximity to home.

Possible Complications:

  • Bleeding is the most serious complication, occurring in about 5% of cases.
  • Tooth damage is a very small risk during the operation.
  • Changes in taste perception may occur post-operation.

Post-Operation Care:

  • Throat will be sore for around ten days; regular painkillers are essential.
  • Avoid aspirin to prevent bleeding.
  • Eating soft and cold food like ice cream which aids healing; stay hydrated with bland, non-spicy food.
  • Sore ears are normal and not indicative of an ear infection.
  • Throat may appear white; small threads may fall out on their own.
  • Watch for signs of throat infection; seek medical advice if necessary.
  • 10 to 14 days off work are recommended for rest and recovery.
  • Any bleeding from the throat requires immediate medical attention.

Red Flag:

  • In case of bleeding, see a doctor promptly; contact GP, ward, or nearest hospital casualty department.
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